Wednesday, 26 February 2014

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how to create gif animation in php

               in this post i have explained that how to create gif animation image in php. here we will see that how to work animated GIF without losing animation. you can create your own frame and height width image here preview them and download it free.below i have the some script to you create gif animation image easily and you can use this code in your own website to improve your website animation with best performance. 

First create index.php file and put below code within it.
             in this php code we have include one php file with name GIFEncoder.class.php put this file in your current directory.
    header('Content-type: image/gif');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="animated.gif"');
    function frame($image){
        global $frames, $framed;
 $cnt = count($_FILES);
            $tmp_name = $_FILES["images".$key]["tmp_name"];
       $im = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($tmp_name));
            $resized = imagecreatetruecolor($_POST['width'],$_POST['height']);
            imagecopyresized($resized, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $_POST['width'], $_POST['height'], imagesx($im), imagesy($im));
    $gif = new GIFEncoder($frames,$framed,0,2,0,0,0,'bin');
    echo $gif->GetAnimation();


             put below line in head tag, here we have include those three javascript file download those file and put it in your working directory.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.MultiFile.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.placeholder.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
function addfile()
 var cnt = parseInt($('#bno').val());
 cnt = ++cnt;
 var n = cnt + 2;
 var content = "<div id='bdiv_"+cnt+"'><span id='spimg["+n+"]'> </span><input type='file' name='images"+n+"' id='img["+n+"]' onclick='load_image('/><span id='spimg["+n+"]'></span><div style='display:inline;' id='cdiv'><a href='javascript:removefile(this,"+cnt+");' id='file_"+cnt+"'><input type='button' id='delete' name='delete' value='Delete' /></a></div></div>";
function removefile(fromObj)
 var cnt2 = parseInt($('#bno').val());

        $('input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]').placeholder();
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
function isNumberKey(evt)
  var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
  if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
  return false;

 return true;


<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="images1" class="multi" /><br />
<input type="file" name="images2" class="multi" /><br />
<input type="file" name="images3" class="multi" /><br />
<div id="idiv">
    <input type="hidden" id="bno" value="1"  />
<div id="jdiv"><a href="#" onClick="addfile();">Add another</a></div>
<input name="speed" maxlength="10" type="text" placeholder="Speed of frames in ms" onKeyPress="return isNumberKey(event)">
<input name="width" maxlength="4" type="text" placeholder="Width" onKeyPress="return isNumberKey(event)">
<input name="height" maxlength="4" type="text" placeholder="Height" onKeyPress="return isNumberKey(event)">
<input type="submit" name="download" value="Download!">
<input type="submit" name="preview" value="Preview!">


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